Do You Place High Expectations On Your Young Athletes?
In “Mental Training Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about sports parents who pressure their kids. Visit and click on contact us to submit your question for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast.
Here’s the question Dr. Patrick Cohn answers this week:
“Your podcasts and articles have really helped me realize the pressure I was unknowingly placing on my 10-year-old daughter just by being overly invested in her sport. She didn’t want to disappoint me and that had a negative effect on her and stopped her development. Now I have completely toned it back and my only wish is that she gets back her love for the game. I just want her to have fun again. My question is, Should I talk to her about the reason for this loss of confidence and how it’s not her fault, so that she feels less pressure? Or do I just avoid the subject? I don’t want her to dwell on the subject too much either. Thank you for your help.”
Watch the video to see what tips Dr. Cohn gives to this sports mom to help her daughter.
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