At Peak Performance Sports Network, you can discover the secrets to thinking like a champion, so that you can perform like one. Learn how to overcome anxiety, Frustration, and Perfectionism To perform with Greater Confidence, Focus, and Composure in Competition.
Peaksports.com web site is so exciting. I researched them all and without a doubt your mental training site is the best! The vast amount of programs provides helps athletes and coaches achieve higher levels of excellence in sports.
~Doug Bolander
Mental Training Articles, Audios, & Videos
Mental Game Articles
Improve your mental game with our sports psychology articles. Please browse our public articles and leave any comments. Learn the secrets to consistent performances…
Mental Training Videos
Watch mental training videos to help boost performance in competition. Improve confidence, composure, and mental toughness with our exclusive videos…
Audio Podcasts
Listen to sport psychology podcasts and interviews with experts on the mental game. Athletes, Coaches, and Sports Psychology Professionals share mental game secrets…
Peaksports.com Network is an essential tool for anyone who is interested in the inner game. The site offers great advice, excellent articles, easy to use audio programs, and personal feedback from the master himself, Dr. Patrick Cohn!
~Justin Walsh, PGA Golf Professional
Sports Psychology Articles for Athletes & Coaches
Do You Struggle Being Calm in Games?
Fear of Failure and Mental Toughness in Sports In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about Fear of Failure and…
Athletes and Superstitions In Sports
Do you have Bizarre Pregame Superstitions? Do you have to wear the same lucky jersey or shirt every game? Do you have to eat a certain meal before…
Do You Place High Expectations on Your Young Athletes?
Do You Place High Expectations On Your Young Athletes? In “Mental Training Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about sports…
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How to Stay Focused During Competition
How Athlete Cope with Internal and External Distractions In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Judith who wants to know how she…
Testing your Mental Toughness in Sports
How to Test Mental Toughness In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Winston about testing his mental game for sports. Visit Sports…
Coaches who Distract Athletes by Yelling
How to Focus when Coach is Yelling In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Mark about dealing with coaches who constantly yell…
How to Introduce Sports Psychology to Athletes
Introducing Mental Training to Athletes In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Mike about how you can introduce mental coaching to your…
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What is Mental Coaching?
Mental Coaching Programs for Athletes In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers sports psychology questions from athletes, parents and coaches. Visit Sports Psychology for Athletes…